k8s statefulset vs deployment. When you use envFrom, all the key-value pairs in the referenced ConfigMap or Secret are set as. k8s statefulset vs deployment

 When you use envFrom, all the key-value pairs in the referenced ConfigMap or Secret are set ask8s statefulset vs deployment  In this

The node does not have control over the placement. Deployment manages creating Pods by means of ReplicaSets. I have tracked it down to the simple reproduction below. When pods run as part of a StatefulSet, Kubernetes keeps state data in the persistent storage volumes of the StatefulSet, even if the pods shut down. For example, if you have 3 nodes, it will schedule 3. v1. With a StatefulSet each Pod get its own PersistentVolumeClaim, but with Deployment all Pods use the same PersistentVolumeClaim. kubectl create namespace database. 25. Elasticsearch nodes have the same name as the Pod they are running on. com StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. The StatefulSet resource deploys Pods sequentially. If you require stable, data restoring operation to your application, you can use a StatefulSet in Kubernetes. First, do a git pull to ensure you’re working on the latest revision: $ git pull origin setup-semaphore. How to Set Up a Kubernetes MySQL Deployment with Cloud Volumes ONTAP. As the name suggest the statefulsets are specifically used to make sure the app state is saved by each running pod. There are many benefits. 14: kubectl edit pvc <name> for each PVC in the StatefulSet, to increase its capacity. Kubernetes Deployment. September 22, 2021 Topics: Cloud Volumes ONTAP Elementary 8 minute read Kubernetes What Is Kubernetes StatefulSet? A StatefulSet is a Kubernetes API object for managing stateful application workloads. affinity. Kubernetes Deployment is a resource that manages a set of identical pods. I'll try removing some parts of the alertmanager deployment to identify the issue. 15)不支持这一属性,只有StatefulSet才有,因此不得不使用后者。. Limitations. However, the best practice would be to separate the environment variables using ConfigMaps and call the ConfigMap from the StatefulSet deployment. api. It manages the. How to run stateful applications in Kubernetes. StatefulSets are designed to run stateful applications in Kubernetes with dedicated persistent storage. How to run stateful applications in Kubernetes. Pods are deployed in {0. k8s. Kubernetes StatefulSet vs. The dynamic provisioning. The last section of the manifest defines our StatefulSet. First, we should create some data on our MySQL server: 5. Before you begin This task assumes you have an application running on your cluster represented by a StatefulSet. For example, if you wanted 3 database instances you could manually create 3 deployments and 3 services. You can run code in Pods, whether this is a code designed for a cloud. Issue is only with statefulset. Using volumeClaimTemplates, each replica will get a unique PersistentVolumeClaim with statefulset whereas all replicas would share the PersistentVolumeClaim with a deployment. Kubernetes deployments manage stateless services running on your cluster (as opposed to for example StatefulSets which manage stateful services). Scaling a StatefulSet refers to increasing or decreasing the number of replicas. service没有ClusterIP,是headlessservice,所以无法负载均衡,返回的都是pod名,所以pod名字都. The StatefulSet manifest should feel familiar—it looks a lot like a Deployment manifest! Instead of the volume field under a Deployment’s template spec, we define a VolumeClaimTemplate under the overall StatefulSet spec to describe how the workload will consume storage. k8s securityContext bypass. It offers a framework to manage clusters of hosts running Linux containers,. StatefulSet. These pods are created from the same spec, but are not interchangeable: each has a persistent identifier that it maintains across any rescheduling. Objectives Create a PersistentVolume referencing a disk in your environment. It worked as expected and both the prometheus pods got restarted. updateStrategy is left unspecified. Editor’s note: this post is part of a series of in-depth articles on what's new in Kubernetes 1. 9. We explore these features using Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka StatefulSets and a Prometheus node exporter. Create ConfigMaps from literal values. It doesn't necessarily refer to the deployment of applications or services. k8s. Before you begin You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl. Simply use a volume in the required Resources and K8S will take care of that for you. schedulerName field of the DaemonSet. 5. The hostnames take the form of <statefulset name>-<ordinal index>. Above is one example of a Deployment Strategy called Blue/Green. All of the other parts are ready and we will just plug in the engine and we will be ready to hit the road. For ReplicaSets, the kind is always a ReplicaSet. A pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes which has a collection of containers. In Kubernetes, a Service is a method for exposing a network application that is running as one or more Pods in your cluster. Several other StatefulSet features also apply to this example:StatefulSet vs Deployment. CronJob giống như Cron, thực hiện việc tạo. Using a shell script we would call $ {HOSTNAME##*-} to get the index. When comparing a Deployment vs Replica Set, the former provides the same replication functions (through Replica Sets) and also the ability to rollout changes and roll them back if necessary. StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE patch-demo-28633765-670qr 1/1 Running 0 23s patch-demo-28633765-j5qs3 1/1 Running 0 23sLet’s deploy our first three replica Cassandra cluster on our existing AWS K8s cluster with OpenEBS. All three of these are defined via YAML configuration, are created as an object in the cluster, and are then managed on an ongoing basis by a Kubernetes controller. Deployment is a good fit for managing a stateless application workload on your cluster, where any Pod in the Deployment is interchangeable and can be replaced if needed. When using Kubernetes, most of the time you don’t care how your pods are scheduled, but sometimes you care that pods are deployed in order, that they have a persistent storage volume, or that they have a unique, stable network identifier across restarts. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet. Familiarity with volumes and persistent volumes is suggested. Pic from k8s. Objectives Create a PersistentVolume referencing a disk in your environment. Before you begin StatefulSets are only available in Kubernetes version 1. Podname and Identity. Dynamic volume provisioning allows storage volumes to be created on-demand. Scaling down a Deployment removes arbitrary Pods, which could include the primary node in your database system. Deployment. From K8S Docs. If you look at web_stateful. This is important because many stateful applications have data initialization routines to perform, masters to elect, and quorum to achieve. apps/web scaled deepak. StatefulSet pods have a unique identity that is comprised of an ordinal, a stable network identity, and stable storage. In order to save confidential data one can use a K8s resource called Secret. The HPA works on a control loop. Skipping a pod deployment in statefulset. api. It can span multiple Kubernetes clusters under the same monitoring umbrella. The output of the describe command in this example is the following: Name: nginx-app1. envFrom. When a StatefulSet's . In a production. StatefulSet(stable-GA in k8s v1. While they have similar goals of managing the lifecycle of a containerized application, they are very different in how they go about it. When you’re deploying an application in Kubernetes, you have a few options to choose from. For example, web1, web2, web3 and web4, for a. kubectl describe svc nginx-app1. 1 Answer. StatefulSets are particularly useful when you have stateful applications, such as databases, that require stable network identities and persistent storage. Pods. Example code for HPA:Create a stateful set. spec: serviceAccountName: build. What happens when we upgrade a Statefulset to a. To scale Kubernetes Deployments only name is needed to be specified, if one wants to scale a different resource such as StatefulSet or Custom Resource (that defines /scale. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet. By interpreting the documentation, it seems that it depends on the event. The StatefulSet name is derived from the Elasticsearch resource name and the NodeSet name. StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. After reverting the configuration, you must also delete any Pods that StatefulSet had already attempted to run with the bad configuration. Statefulset es un recurso que controla y gestiona en kubernetes uno o más Pods, pero entonces por qué no usar un Deployment te estarás preguntando?, entonces antes de continuar es mejor que veas las diferencias entre Stateful y Stateless en una. Implementando en Kubernetes: Deployment vs StatefulSet vs DaemonSet. Run a Stateless Application Using a Deployment; Run a Single-Instance Stateful Application; Run a Replicated Stateful Application; Scale a StatefulSet; Delete a StatefulSet; Force Delete StatefulSet Pods; Horizontal Pod Autoscaling; HorizontalPodAutoscaler Walkthrough; Specifying a Disruption Budget for your. Scaling down a Deployment removes arbitrary Pods, which could include the primary node in your database system. 3. spec. This controller runs Jobs -- components of a Kubernetes workload that execute specific tasks -- according to. This is where PersistentVolumes come into play. StatefulSet represents a set of pods with consistent identities. 只能用StatefulSet: 最近在微软的aks平台上部署服务,由于Deployment在scale的时候需要动态申请volume,采取使用volumeClaimTemplates属性的方式来申请,当前Deployment对象(1. The answer is in your first log: The StatefulSet "cassandra" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy'. You have few fields which can't be used in statefulset. For simplicity, are we using Nginx as the pod image. 安定したネットワーク識別子. A StatefulSet is the Kubernetes controller used to run the stateful application as containers (Pods) in the Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes administrators define classes of storage, and then pods can dynamically request the specific type of storage they need. 3. StatefulSet 是用来管理有状态应用的工作负载 API 对象。 StatefulSet 用来管理某 Pod 集合的部署和扩缩, 并为这些 Pod 提供持久存储和持久标识符。. Horizontal scaling means that the response to increased load is to deploy more Pods. The metadata in an annotation can be small or large, structured or unstructured, and can. While they have similar goals of managing the lifecycle of a containerized application, they are very different in how they go about it. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods , and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods. Then, to scale up you'd manually create another deployment and another service. This chart deploys Logstash as a statefulset. kubectl rollout restart sts <name> to restart the pods, one at a time. To deploy the PostgreSQL cluster, we will create a dedicated namespace named database. Comme un Déploiement, un StatefulSet gère des Pods qui sont basés sur une même spécification de conteneur. there are a few things you can do with a DeploymentConfig (around triggers) that you can't do. In this case our Canary Deployment has two replicas so approximately 16% of traffic will be sent to the canary because `(2/(2+10) = 2/12 ~ 16%)]`. Before going for statefulset we should understand the concept of stateful and stateless applications When we scale the StatefulSet from 1 replica to 3, the StatefulSet controller starts to incrementally deploy new (missing) pods, one at a time. If you don’t specify the namespace, it gets deployed in the default namespace. Since Elasticsearch maintains state, we need to use StatefulSet which is a deployment that can maintain state. 1 Answer. Pods are created and terminated in a predictable order, ensuring orderly scaling and rolling updates. 1. Choosing the right workload deployment type doesn't affect performance, but the StatefulSet does provide identity stickiness requirements. StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. apps "web" created. Understanding ReplicaSets It will trigger them all at once. yml Statefulset . To execute our deployment, we need a service to access the above deployment. Two commonly used ones are Deployments and StatefulSets. A simple case is to create one ReplicationController object to reliably run one instance of a Pod indefinitely. Statefulsets is used for Stateful applications, each. Statefulset vs Deployment. spec. When you use a StatefulSet, Kubernetes terminates Pods in the opposite order to their creation. In the same blog we used PersistentVolumeClaim for dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolume, but we used. We are on Kubernetes 1. Some of the key features of StatefulSets are as follows: 1. a cache or database cluster even though it may solve your specific situation as. If you look at web_stateful. Also, you will not have to create a PVCs in advance, and you will be able to scale it easily. You should read about Kubernetes autoscaling - HPA. Note that you must manually create 3 deployments as you can't have a service point to a single pod in a deployment. Here we will use two methods to create the secret. You should use a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA for short): HPA automatically updates a workload resource (such as a Deployment or StatefulSet), with the aim of automatically scaling the workload to match demand. Moreover, if at any point one of the replicas fails to start, the whole process will stop. The StatefulSet guarantees that a given network identity will always map to the same storage identity. This application is a replicated MySQL database. DeploymentはRollingUpdateとParallelの2つのストラテジーがあります。Instead of using a nodeAffinity in the PVC definition, I suggest using an podAntiAffinity rule in the statefulset definition to deploy your application so that no two instances are located on the same host. However, while Elasticsearch uses terms like cluster and node, which are also used in Kubernetes, their meaning is slightly different. If the StatefulSet is scaled down to one replica, mysql-3 is guaranteed to exit first, followed by mysql-2. A StatefulSet is a controller that helps you deploy and scale groups of Kubernetes pods. 16. It will create three replicas in random order with a random hash. So we will add the namespace while deploying each component. storage. name field. Deployment. Statefulsets. e: class-name and the pod created will be class-name-0 and you can replace the _ by -. We assign it a service name, specify a single replica, and a RollingUpdate update strategy. For example, you can only have one Pod named myapp-1234 within the same namespace, but you can have one Pod and one Deployment that are each named. By Chris Tozzi Published: 16 Nov 2022 StatefulSets. When you use a StatefulSet, Kubernetes terminates Pods in the opposite order to their creation. A simple hack is to parse the hostname of the pod which is in the format of $ (statefulset name)-$ (ordinal). In statefulsets each replica pod created has an index number starting from 0 and it will only setup the next replica if the previous one is running. A more complex use case is to run several identical replicas of a replicated service, such as web servers. As a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container specification, but it maintains an identity attached to each of its pods. Since Elasticsearch maintains state, we need to use StatefulSet which is a deployment that can maintain state. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods. Create a new file and fill it with the following StatefulSet configuration then we explain what it does. I tested this on kubernetes 1. vim redis-statefulset. Next, add the following lines to the deployment pipeline files. StatefulSets are particularly useful when you have stateful applications, such as databases, that require stable network identities and persistent storage. k8s. 9) is a Kubernetes resource used to manage stateful applications. In the above example, a StatefulSet named "my-statefulset" is created with three replicas. StatefulSet là resource cũng có thể nói là bản sao đặc biệt của ReplicaSet. 5 minute delay getting. Conclusion. also during upgrades and. The output shows that the Deployment has two Pods. In our earlier example, we defined the environment variables with the StatefulSet YAML. For a StatefulSet with N replicas, each Pod in the StatefulSet will be assigned an integer ordinal, from 0 up through N-1, that is unique over the Set. You can pass in multiple key-value pairs. You will likely need to delete and recreate the statefulset to add a new volumeClaimTemplate. You can use kubectl create configmap with the --from-literal argument to define a literal value from the command line: kubectl create configmap special-config --from-literal=special. In Kubernetes, a Service is a method for exposing a network application that is running as one or more Pods in your cluster. Furthermore, StatefulSet comes with the capability of running replicas with stable DNS name/entries that target each replica. Each new pod in statefulset then have a new PV attached to. Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec, but unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky. The list of stateful charts using a StatefulSet: $ git grep -li 'kind: *StatefulSet' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' cockroachdb concourse consul ipfs memcached minio mongodb-replicaset rethinkdbkubectl create -f ssd-storageclass. StatefulSet has volumeClaimTemplates that creates volumes for you from the template and it adds -<ordinal> on the name for PersistentVolumeClaims, so a name with my-pvc will be my-pvc-0 and my-pvc-1 if the StatefulSet. WEKA. 1. In Prefect Cloud, go to Blocks, hit the + button, and select the Kubernetes Job block. io will be frozen and no further images for Kubernetes and related subprojects will be pushed to the old registry. Compare Kubernetes StatefulSet vs. The pattern for the constructed hostname is $ (statefulset name)-$ (ordinal). Kubernetes Deployment vs. . So we will add the namespace while deploying each component. The manifest files do not have the namespace added to them. The storage for a given Pod must either be provisioned by a PersistentVolume Provisioner based on the requested storage class, or pre-provisioned by an admin. It is rather unlikely that you will ever need to create Pods directly for a production use-case. deployment daemonset Kubernetes (K8s) is one of the popular open-source container orchestration systems for automating deployment, scaling, and management. metadata. Overview of StatefulSets. The reference to the resource this ScaledObject is configured for. StatefulSets. yml Verifying the replica set deployment and accessing the replica set. The deployment is made up of 2 Nginx web servers; both of them are connected to a persistent volume. Since my REST WebService endpoints work only on Active node, the service requests work via K8S Service resource only when the request is getting routed to the POD with app in Active role. Just like StatefulSets, Kubernetes Deployments let you define the state of the application, and the Deployment’s controller is responsible for maintaining this state. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: web # this will be used as prefix in pod name spec: serviceName: "nginx" replicas: 2 # specify number of pods that should be running selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec:. service "nginx" created. The Stateful Set definition can reference a Service which gives the Pods of the Stateful Set their network identity. Both Pod and Deployment are full-fledged objects in the Kubernetes API. Without dynamic provisioning, cluster administrators have to manually make calls to their cloud or storage provider to create new storage volumes, and then create PersistentVolume objects to represent them in Kubernetes. yml. If you are deploying something completely custom and build the docker image. g. So, for example, Kubernetes will only create example-statefulset-5 after example-statefulset-4 is up and running. Al igual que un Deployment, un StatefulSet gestiona Pods que se basan en una especificación idéntica de contenedor. 2. You can only specify minDomains in conjunction with whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule. StatefulSet と PVC の関係まとめ. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet # < kind of installation (statefulset vs Deployment) metadata: name: nextcloud-db # < name of the deployment namespace: nextcloud # < namespace where to place the statefulset and pods labels: app: nextcloud # < label for tagging and reference spec: serviceName: nextcloud-db-service # < name of. Storage classes can define properties of storage systems. Can support many different deployment patterns, including full restart, customizable rolling updates, and fully custom behaviors, as well as pre- and post- deployment hooks. Let’s now create the Deployment using the kubectl apply command: $ kubectl apply -f deployment. This naming is consistent, so you. This ensures it’ll be postgres-2 that’s destroyed first. I have updated my question with more details. Note: This is not a production configuration. 9. Deploy Elasticsearch. DaemonSets. Replicas in a StatefulSet follow a graceful, sequential approach to deployment, scale, upgrade, and termination. WEKA. spec section is similar to the ReplicaSet’s, defining the pod template for each replica. This controller monitors the state of Kubernetes Deployments, the most common approach to deploying a workload in Kubernetes. DaemonSet. Storage for. En esta entrada vamos a tratar sobre aplicaciones Stateful en Kubernetes – Statefulset, el cual es un tipo de recurso que nos ofrece Kubernetes. One pod should be able to reach other pods with well-defined names. Deployment and ReplicaSet (replacing the legacy resource ReplicationController). Ordinal Index. In this example, we’ve defined a StatefulSet named “my-statefulset” with a headless service named “my-statefulset-headless”. ymlDeployments and StatefulSets are the most common way to scale workloads with KEDA. Get the Pods to see the ordered creation status: kubectl get pods -l="app=cassandra". Pods created as part of a StatefulSet are given persistent identifiers that they retain even when they’re rescheduled. I've installed these components in the k8s cluster using the mixin kube-prometheus. Introduction A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the "classes" of storage they offer. At the most basic level, Kubernetes pods and nodes are the mechanisms by which application components are matched to the resources on which they're supposed to run. Introduction A StorageClass provides a way for administrators to describe the "classes" of storage they offer. But what is the best for this case ? 1 Answer. Expose MySQL to other pods in the cluster at a known DNS. Network identities: Kubernetes StatefulSet provides stable network identities for each pod, while Deployment doesn’t. We explore these features using Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka StatefulSets and a Prometheus node exporter. Gestiona el despliegue y escalado de un conjunto de Pods, y garantiza el orden y unicidad de dichos Pods. This behavior doesn't apply when the entire StatefulSet is deleted and can be disabled by setting a StatefulSet's . StatefulSet est l'objet de l'API de charge de travail utilisé pour gérer des applications avec état (stateful). Deployments vs Daemonsets vs Statefulsets. Following the same logic, if something happens to any of the pods, it will be recreated with the same name. StatefulSet vs Deployment. Recreation Strategy: Causes downtime but updates quickly. StatefulSet est l'objet de l'API de charge de travail utilisé pour gérer des applications avec état (stateful). Check. Deploy and Manages the stateless application. Restart Pods. Login to the MySQL pod and Verify: kubectl exec -it mysql-0 -- mysql -u root -p. Four Pods are running. type is set to RollingUpdate, the. template. Deployment vs Statefulset. io. 1. There were no major changes to the API Object, other than the community selected name, but we added the semantics of “at most one. It lets you update a set of pods with no downtime, by incrementally replacing pod instances with new instances that run a new version of the application. e. DaemonSet Kubernetes has several ways to deploy applications, including deployments, DaemonSets and StatefulSets. As the name suggest the statefulsets are specifically used to make sure the app state is saved by each running pod. podManagementPolicy. Each Pod in the StatefulSet gets a name generated by suffixing the pod ordinal to the StatefulSet name. The manifest files do not have the namespace added to them. This comes at a cost of slow scale ups and scale downs for. Familiarity with volumes and persistent volumes is suggested. It's created after deployment. yaml) snippet below which shows the usage of the Readiness probe and the Liveness probe. In this article, we will deploy a clustered Prometheus setup that integrates Thanos. It is the default strategy when . The naming convention, network names, and storage persist as replicas are rescheduled with a StatefulSet. You can use statefulsets if you want fixed pod names for your application. How could I patch "imagePullPolicy" for instance. Deployment and StatefulSet are two of the most popular and powerful features of Kubernetes. The --region flag specifies a regional three-zone cluster, and --num-nodes specifies one Kubernetes worker node in each zone. In StatefulSet, instead of the normal service, we need to create a headless service. If at any point in time the K8S Service happens to route the incoming request to POD with app in passive role, the service is inaccessible/not served. Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels, or to backup policies, or to arbitrary. metadata. StatefulSet Deployments provide: Stable, unique network identifiers: Each pod in a StatefulSet is given a hostname that is based on the application name and increment. 1. Editor's note: today's post is by Janet Kuo and Kenneth Owens, Software Engineers at Google. The new pods are scheduled on eligible nodes (they may not run on the same nodes as the original pods). Here is the deployment diagram: Notice that the mariadb pod uses StatefulSet and a persistent volume for its data. Note: The command field corresponds to entrypoint in some container runtimes. There are many benefits. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet. Statefulset es un recurso que controla y gestiona en kubernetes uno o más Pods, pero entonces por qué no usar un Deployment te estarás preguntando?, entonces antes de continuar es mejor. Kubernetes administrators define classes of storage, and then pods can dynamically request the specific type of storage they need. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky identity for each of their Pods. For the node affinity we could use node selector. StatefulSets also enforce that Pods are removed in reverse order of their creation. Before you begin This is a fairly advanced task and has the potential to violate some of the properties inherent to StatefulSet. For example, an application that writes logs to Persistent Volume claim (PVC) in K8s could be considered as stateless even using storage. allows you to set environment variables for a container by referencing either a ConfigMap or a Secret. The generation observed by the deployment controller. Not all stateful applications scale nicely. exe create deployment my-nginx --image nginx. PersistentVolumes. This comes at a cost of slow scale ups and. 6. You can also use a preexisting disk in a StatefulSet. pod名字始终是固定的 4. The 1/1 indicates that each Pod has one container:. spec. In statefulsets each replica pod created has an index number starting from 0 and it will only setup the next replica if the previous one is running. Here is the quote from a relevant section from the docs: Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec. Could someone explain in simple details how patch works. 3. kubectl get pods NAME READY. Deployment では、全てのPodで1個のPV をマウントしている違いがあります. Or just strip the name out to get the index at the end. To create a service, use the kubectl expose command. Then, the second pod (2) does likewise. Kubernetes persistent volumes (PVs) are a unit of storage provided by an administrator as part of a Kubernetes cluster. Latest Deployment Generation: kube_deployment_metadata_generation: Sequence number representing the latest generation of a Deployment. Step 3: Create and deploy the StatefulSet. Create ConfigMaps from literal values. They let you ensure that pods are scheduled in a specific order, that they have persistent storage volumes available, and that they have a persistent network ID that is maintained even when a pod shuts down or is rescheduled. This page shows how to delete Pods which are part of a stateful set, and explains the considerations to keep in mind when doing so. completions - can have a completion mode that is specified in .